Tag Archives: mental-health


5 Jun

Now I could write SEVERAL posts on hypocrisy in this world. Today, however, I’m going to talk about the relatively dated issue of “image”, more specifically the external appearance that is expected of you by society.

We think we’ve come a long way, tackling eating disorders openly, (less effectively by criticising people who are “too thin”), bashing the “Size-Zero” culture and everyone telling us variations of “It’s what’s inside that counts”.

Firstly, it’s all a little bit fake.  The same films which try to make us believe we can MAKE IT IN LIFE as long as we work hard, irrespective of our looks, are the same ones inadvertently implying we can, in fact, only do so whilst adhering to particular, shallow, ‘standards’. It’s ironic that the same media (not that everyone in the “media” promotes the same values) that is telling us “real girls have CURVES” is the same media plastered with the tall, skinny, wrinkle-free stereotype and incessant advice on diets that will help you “get that Bikini body NOW!”. Bi-polar pop culture?

Anyway, society’s hilarious hypocrisy is not actually the point. Even if the “curvy gals” were winning the size debate, you’re just criticising another body type rather than promoting acceptance of everyone. The same goes for this 24/7 gym hype image asking us “what’s your excuse?” for spending any free time outside the gym. They’re all wrong.

A mother answers this here: http://www.theinklingsoflife.com/2012/10/my-excuses-for-not-looking-like-maria.html , despite still trying to argue what a “real” woman is..

So long as society concentrates so much on image and appearance, the inevitable occurs. Criticism, judgement, insecurity, pressure, the list could go on…  Obviously I think that so long as you’re not in some sort of health risk (either morbidly obese or dying of starvation) your weight is a personal issue but at this stage we’re just going to find a multitude of other shallow conditions to judge each other by: boobs, bums, height, facial features and so on. Guess what they’ve all got in common? Irrational and shallow qualities to judge by.

History and cultural differences have shown as that beauty is completely subjective so let’s stop trying to mould ourselves into a narrow, unattainable and destructive image. What we should be criticising are the negative and obviously unhealthy features of a society which has made drugs/alcoholism/promiscuity a normality for the youth (and the not-so-youthful).

Rather than being defined by our looks or our “fashion faux pas”, let’s change track and start defining ourselves by our achievements, our passions and our true qualities.
